
This version of the GrADS manual integrates all original documentation, updates and function documentation up to beta release 1.5 into a single document. It is an unofficial documentation prepared for internal use within the Climatic Research Unit, and made freely available to the wider GrADS community. Although reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the document accurately reflects the current state of GrADS documentation, the Climatic Research Unit, and the University of East Anglia, can not be held responsible for any errors or missions, or the consequences of any such errors or omissions. The copyright remains with the original author, Brian Doty.

Considerable re-formatting and re-organisation of the original documentation has been employed to provide a coherent documentation which is easier to reference than the original sources. To fully enjoy the enhanced capabilities of the latest release of GrADS (beta 1.5) it is recommended that the manual be read in full before attempting to use GrADS.

Two new chapters have been added. "Additional Facilities" describes features in recent revisions of GrADS not obviously relevant to existing chapters. There is also a chapter on using GrADS on the IBM PC which describes features applying to that platform.

This document was formatted using Microsoft* Word for Windows 6.

Tom Holt,

Climatic Research Unit,

University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

8 June, 1995

Updated and converted to html for WWW distribution by

Mike Fiorino


Livermore, CA

8 June 1995

* Microsoft is the registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.